Reporting a Worry

Click on the button above and you will then be taken to the ‘report a concern’ form.

Once there you will be able to tell us about your worry. We would love you to include details like:

  • What is happening?
  • When it is happening?
  • What you would like us to do to help you?
  • Is there any staff member you would prefer to help you?
  • Is there anyone else involved?

You can choose to remain anonymous or if you are happy to include your details you can do.


  • If possible, we would always prefer you to speak directly to a member of staff to share your worry, as many of you already do
  • If you are using MyVoice we would like you to tell us your name (although you don't have to)
  • If you do not share your name, we can not feedback any action that has been taken to sort address your worry

Parents/Carers and members of the local community can also share their safeguarding concerns through MyVoice but please remember:

  • This is NOT a place for reporting concerns about a member of staff.  These must be reported directly to the Mrs Cunliffe.
  • This is NOT a forum through which to complain, please use existing processes to share these with us.