
At The Meadows, Safeguarding is the golden thread of our school practice. We advocate high expectations and at The Meadows our practice is exemplary. We work positively with families to ensure the best outcomes for all, especially the children.

At The Meadows Primary safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility so that we can keep children safe and create a culture of vigilance. We value working in strong partnership with our parents and encourage our families to be honest and transparent as that is in the best interests of our children. 


Mrs Kuffour – Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding lead

Miss Parry - Assistant Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Davies - EYFS Lead and Designated Safeguarding Lead 


Safeguarding Inside of School

Should you wish to speak to anyone about Safeguarding at The Meadows, you can call us on 01782 750313 or come and drop into school - our door is always open.

Safeguarding Outside of School

If you are concerned about the safety of a child in immediate danger, please dial 999. If you need Early Help support or have concerns about a child, please call Staffordshire Children’s Advice and Support Service on 03001118007 or out of hours 03456042886.