Happy New Year!
I would like to welcome our new families to our EYFS setting. We will be getting to know your child over the next few weeks and establishing a routine. You will receive a log in for Tapestry which is our online learning journal and an effective way to communicate.
Our themes for this term will be how the seasons change with a Winter focus. We will learn about celebrations and traditions surrounding New Year around the world. We will have a "staying healthy focus as part of our New Years resolutions. Leading up to Easter we will be celebrating pancake Day, discussing Lent and Easter. There is more information on the curriculum, each area of learning and progression in the EYFS curriculum area on this website. You will also be updated on Tapestry and Parent Mail.
We will all play lots of speaking and listening games to continue phase 1 phonics skills and Reception will be learning more letter sounds, blending sounds together to read and segment words to spell.
Nursery and Reception will focus on several texts this term including Penguins, Lunar New Year, Handa's Surprise, Jack and the Jelly bean, Rosie's Walk and Monkey Puzzle.
In our daily Power Maths lessons, we will be learning to count and use numbers to 5 and then 10 in lots of different contexts. We will all be adding and subtracting practically in our play and Reception will move on to using Power Maths to further develop our mathematical skills.
This term there will be an e book sent home each week to practise regularly to develop fluency. This will be the focus throughout the week in our guided reading sessions. Log in detail will be sent home in reading diaries.
We will continue learning through play and will enjoy imaginative play in our home corner story corner and puppet show as well as with the small world farm, dolls house and garage etc. There will be lots of opportunities to draw, paint, craft, build models with a range of construction sets, play games, share books, run round outside, jump, climb, ride and enjoy sand and water play and much more. Children will have challenges to complete based upon this terms maths, phonics books and themes!
Reception's Blog/blog/category/reception

Mrs Davies
Class Teacher
Hello I am Mrs Davies. I teach Reception class. This is my ninth year at The Meadows Primary school. Previously I have taught in a nursery class, reception, a nurture group and key stage one. I love spending time with my family. We enjoy holidays and weekends away exploring Wales especially Snowdonia. I enjoy keeping fit by walking, swimming and sometimes dancing! I like listening to many different kinds of music including folk, blues and rock music. I always have a book to read and love to read true stories about round the world trips as well as fiction. I love working with our children at here The Meadows and when I am not at school my own children and dog keep me very busy!

Miss Bill
Early Years Teaching assistant
My name is Miss Bill and I am the Teaching Assistant in Reception. I am very interested in history and in my spare time I enjoy visiting castles and reading about historical facts. I also enjoy reading other fictional books of different genres. I love being surrounded by flowers, especially daffodils which are my favourite. I also enjoy cycling, visiting many places in the UK and even spend time overnight fishing when I can.